International Concierge - Oct 22
Date and Time
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CDT
Virtual event. Link will be sent the day prior to event
***If you have any questions you'd like to have answered by our panelists, please send them to in advance.
$10 - Members | $20 - Non-members
Featuring the Korean American Chamber of Commerce and KOTRA
Join us to learn more about our Richardson Chamber International Partner, the GDKACC, an organization supporting Korean businesses in the DFW area and their support of the Global Development Initiative (GDI), a collaborative program between UT Dallas and the Richardson Economic Development Partnership. In addition, we will hear from another one of our International Partners, KOTRA and their support of USA Companies interested in the Korean Market and Korean Companies interested in the US market.
Our guests:
Hyun Kyum Kim, president, Greater Dallas Korean American Chamber of Commerce
Tae Woong Youn, director general, Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) Dallas Office
Tony Chai, communications coordinator, Greater Dallas Korean American Chamber of Commerce
In addition to being the 30th President of the Greater Dallas Korean American Chamber of Commerce, Hyun Kyum Kim is the CEO & President of Master Cleaning Supply. Currently her serves the Dallas community in the following roles:
-- The 28th President of Southcentral Region, Korean American Chamber of Commerce, USA.
-- The 19th Oversea Committee Member of National Unification Advisory Council , Korea
Hyun was born in Seoul, South Korea and moved to Dallas with his family in 2003. He holds a BS in Chemical Engineering and an MBA in International Business Management in Seoul, Korea.
Tae Woong Youn has held various roles in KOTRA including international marketing, corporate planning, brand development and content convergence development. His previous posts before Dallas include Egypt, Belgium, and Ethiopia
where he served as the Director General of the branch. He holds a Master of Science in Technology Management from the State University of New York at Stoney Brook University and a Bachelor's Degree from the Hanyang University in Korea.
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