City Series: Growth and Mobility Luncheon - Apr. 24
Date and Time
Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
Check-in and Networking: 11:30 am
Program: 12 - 1 pm
*Lunch included
Chamber members: $25
Non-members: $35

Congestion presents a significant challenge, with DFW motorists spending over 127 million hours in delays, wasting 44 million gallons of fuel, and incurring $3.1 billion in annual costs. Moreover, the increasing severity of congestion has detrimental effects on the environmental and public health.
This talk will introduce DALI (Distributed Agent-based Traffic Lights), an innovative, AI-driven Traffic Control System (TCS). DALI transforms existing TCSs into intelligent systems without the need for additional hardware investments. As a pilot project, DALI was deployed across 13 intersections in the City of Richardson and has proven effective in alleviating congestion.
Stay tuned after the event for a brief update from the City.
About the Speaker:

RCC registration/cancellation policy:
Reservations with payment are required. Because of catering requirements, we must charge for reservations not cancelled three days prior to the event. Cancellations after that date can be substituted, please provide name prior to event. Unclaimed reservations during the event will be relinquished at noon. On-site registrants (walk-in customers) will be seated based on space availability.