Brown Bag Lunch - 2015 July 21
"365 ideas to go from good to great on TWITTER!"
Presented by: John Sparks, author and UNT journalism professor
click here to read about the author
Find out what makes Twitter such an attractive social media platform in this hands-on presentation on how to grow your Twitter presence and make money for your business. Top 100 Social Media Power Influencer John Sparks will share his practical advice that you can begin using immediately to cut through the noise and use in this fast paced world of social media.
Participants may pre-order online with Jersey Mike's and have it deliverd to the MTBC office in time for the lunch program or pick it up at the East Side location (corner of Campbell Rd at N. Central Expwy). To ensure delivery to the MTBC for the Brown Bag Lunch event, please place order before 9 AM on day of event. Put "Deliver- Richardson Chamber of Commerce" in the comments box at the online check out.
Date and Time
Tuesday Jul 21, 2015
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Lunch: 11:30 am
Program: 12 - 1 pm
Richardson Chamber of Commerce
411 Belle Grove Dr.
Richardson, TX 75080
Member $5
Non - Member $20
Contact Information
Taylor Lopez, Events Assistant 972-792-2820
Send Email